Out of Office - Portraits and reportage of life outside of the work day.

Your employees are, well, people too. Sometimes it pays to celebrate them as individuals. We love documenting volunteer opportunities, team building events, and hobbies that highlight the personalities and uniqueness of each person. These individual employee profiles are a great way to build loyalty, increase morale, foster teamwork, and help your potential clients connect with your team.

  • Hey, you know that new head of accounting, the one who works remotely from southern Maryland? Do you know she used to be a white water rafting guide? No? Well, neither does anyone else. A personal profile of her could help to build familiarity and trust with her new team, and also help with recruitment, so potential new talent can get excited about the chance to work with a variety of interesting people.

  • It begins with the “why?” Why is the person being highlighted? What about the person is unique and what are the key photo (or video) opportunities that illustrate that? With the Why? answered we can figure out the logistics of making it happen, whether it’s gardening in the spring or (ahem!) scuba diving in Tahiti.

  • Generally the client will receive a proofing gallery of images from which they can pick selections. In some instances, such as documenting an off-site, it makes more sense to deliver a curated selection of the entire event. For video it’s sometimes best to storyboard the piece to streamline the entire production. There are any number of ways to approach this process, and our goal is transparency and fairness.

  • Quality, deliberate photography and video are not cheap, but making the right first impression is priceless. Shorter off-site documentation or individual profiles may begin at $1200 and increase depending on such factors as duration, travel, production complexity, number of final images, and licensing.


On the Job


CASE STUDY: Offsite Meeting