Consulting and Retainer Services

Some projects require specialized help. Acting in a consulting role, Lux Umbra can contribute much more than images and video footage. Whether it’s digital asset management organized by founder Matthew Rakola or style guides created by an experienced colleague, we have the experience, flexibility, and resources to make your project happen.

Short Term Services:

  • Digital Asset Management. Gathering your existing images and footage, identifying the usage rights, eliminating duplicates, adding metadata and tags.

  • Image Library Planning. Finding locations, planning shot lists, and laying the foundation for creating images that tell your organization’s story in the clearest, most compelling way.

  • Social Media campaigns. Creating images and videos that work.

  • Studio build-outs. Sometimes it makes sense to have an in-house studio. We can help make it a reality and train you to use it.

  • Photographic style guides. Get a consistent look for portraits across your multi-office company with a detailed style guide that can be read by any professional commercial photographer.

  • Other Style guides. A set of visual standards for your logo, image library, and even marketing language.

We’re not afraid of commitment. Retainer arrangements offer a reliable, cost effective, and more streamlined means of meeting your company’s needs.


  • Headshots. Organizations with large staffs often need portraits made on a regular basis. With a retainer agreement, we can get this scheduled with a bare minimum of fuss and at a predictable rate.

  • Social media imagery. As new products and services come out, we can help you share them with the world!

  • Employee profiles. Employee profiles are a tried and true way of demonstrating support for the people who make your organization shine. Done bi-weekly, monthly, or at another interval, having an ongoing plan in place for capturing the images or video footage makes the process more fun and easy for everyone involved.